Current Situation of Refugees in Canada (2024)

Current Situation of Refugees in Canada (2024)

Current Situation of Refugees in Canada (2024)

Canada has a long-standing commitment to welcoming refugees, having accepted over 1,088,015 refugees since 1980. As of recent years, the country has faced increasing volumes of asylum claims, with 145,151 claims in 2023 alone. The top countries of origin for these claimants include Mexico, India, Nigeria, Turkey, and Colombia.

Read more Current Situation of Refugees in Canada (2024): Refugee in Canada

Refugee Protection and Claims

The Refugee Protection Division (RPD) of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) is responsible for hearing and deciding on refugee protection claims made within Canada. Refugee status can be granted if the claimant meets the United Nations definition of a Convention refugee, which includes individuals with a well-founded fear of persecution based on race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group. Alternatively, refugee protection can also be granted to individuals who would face danger or risk if returned to their home country.

Read more Current Situation of Refugees in Canada (2024): judicial review in Canada

Processing and Challenges

Canada has been experiencing high numbers of asylum claims, putting pressure on the asylum system’s capacity. Despite efforts to modernize and streamline processes, backlogs and extended processing times remain a challenge. The Canadian government has invested in digital platforms and innovative initiatives to improve service delivery and processing times.

Economic and Social Contributions

Refugees contribute significantly to the Canadian economy and society. The unemployment rate among refugees is close to that of Canadian-born citizens, and many refugees quickly become part of the middle class. Refugees are also entrepreneurial, with a higher percentage starting businesses compared to Canadian-born citizens. Over time, refugees pay more in income tax than they receive in public benefits, illustrating their positive economic impact.

Read more Current Situation of Refugees in Canada (2024): Affidavit Lawyer in Canada

Integration and Community

Refugees have resettled across Canada, from large cities to smaller towns, contributing to community diversity and growth. Many refugees achieve home ownership within their first decade in Canada, reflecting their integration and stability.